Billie Johnson v. Wisconsin Elections Commission
Appeal Number 2021AP001450 - OA
Supreme Court
Filing Date
Anticipated Due Date
Comment: Returned Mail
Comment: Letter of Governor Evers re signing of Senate Bill 488 and special or recall elections
Comment: Returned Mail
Comment: Lenz for Intervenor-Petitioners Black Leaders Organizing For Communities, Voces De La Frontera, League Of Women Voters Of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin
Filed By: 48004 (Ward-Packard, Samuel)
Submit Date: 2-9-2024 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 3-1-2024 IT IS ORDERED that the motion for leave to file a reply in support of the motion for relief from judgment is granted, and the proposed reply is accepted for filing; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that motion for relief from judgment is denied. JANET C. PROTASIEWICZ, J., did not participate. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (concurring) ANNETTE KINGSLAND ZIEGLER, C.J., (joined concurrance) Comment: Motion of Hunter, Zabel, and Persa for leave to file reply in support of motion for relief from judgment |
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance of Mel Barnes (Intervenor-Respondent Evers) |
Comment: Barnes for Evers
Comment: Returned Mail
Comment: Letter From Atty Packard on Behalf of Senate Democratic Caucus re: non-participation in Motion for Relief
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Order of Justice Protasiewicz Declining to Participate and Denying Recusal Motion Response of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson & Rebecca Alwin to Recusal Motion Response of Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists to Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz Response of Hunter Intervenors to Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz Cover letter re filing of hard copies of Motion to Recuse and Response to Motion for Relief from Judgment Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz filed by Wisconsin Legislature, Petitioners, and Congressmen Memorandum in Support of Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz filed by Wisconsin Legislature, Petitioners, and Congressmen Appendix to Memorandum in Support of Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz filed by Wisconsin Legislature, Petitioners, and Congressmen |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 1-30-2024 Decision: (O) Other Decision Date: 3-1-2024 IT IS ORDERED that the Motion to Recuse is denied as moot. Motion Response Filed By: Diane Welsh Submit Date: 2-6-2024 Motion Response Filed By: Sarah Zylstra Submit Date: 2-7-2024 Motion Response Filed By: Daniel Lenz Submit Date: 2-9-2024 Comment: Motion to Recuse Justice Protasiewicz filed by Wisconsin Legislature, Petitioners, and Congressmen with Supporting Memorandum and Appendix |
Notice of Appearance
Comment: Notice of Appearance of Julie Zuckerbrod (Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel and John Persa)
Comment: Notice of Appearance of Abha Khanna (Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter, jacob Zabel and John Persa)
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Abha Khanna Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Abha Khanna |
Filed By: Diane Welsh
Submit Date: 1-19-2024 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-24-2024 IT IS ORDERED that the motions are granted. A copy of SCR 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, can be found at the following link: A copy of SCR 10.03(4) is also attached to the newly admitted pro hac vice attorneys' orders; and, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, within five days of the date of this order, Attorneys Zuckerbrod and Khanna shall register for access to the Wisconsin appellate court electronic filing system and shall opt in as attorneys on this case. Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.801(3). Comment: Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Abha Khanna |
Filed By: Diane Welsh
Submit Date: 1-19-2024 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-24-2024 IT IS ORDERED that the motions are granted. A copy of SCR 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, can be found at the following link: A copy of SCR 10.03(4) is also attached to the newly admitted pro hac vice attorneys' orders; and, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, within five days of the date of this order, Attorneys Zuckerbrod and Khanna shall register for access to the Wisconsin appellate court electronic filing system and shall opt in as attorneys on this case. Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.801(3). Comment: Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Julie Zuckerbrod |
Comment: Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel for Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel and John Persa (Charles G. Curtis, Jr., John M. Devaney, Aria C. Branch, and Christina A. Ford)
Comment: Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel and John Persa (Diane M. Welsh, Abha Khanna, Samuel T. Ward-Packard, and Julie Zuckerbrod)
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance of Diane M. Welsh (Intervenors-Petitioners) |
Comment: Notice of Appearance of Diane M. Welsh (Intervenors-Petitioners)
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance of Samuel T. Ward-Packard (Intervenors-Petitioners) |
Comment: Notice of Appearance of Samuel T. Ward-Packard (Intervenors-Petitioners)
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Response of Wisconsin Legislature to Hunter Intervenors Motion for Relief from Judgment (01-29-24) Response of Congressmen to Hunter Intervenors Motion for Relief from Judgment (01-29-24) Response of Petitioners to Hunter Intervenors Motion for Relief from Judgment (01-29-24) Response of Citizen Mathematicians to Motion for Relief from Judgment (01-29-24) Motion of Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter et al for Relief from Judgement Pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 806.07 Memorandum in Support of Motion of Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter et al for Relief from Judgement Pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 806.07 |
Filed By: William Hancock
Submit Date: 1-17-2024 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 3-1-2024 IT IS ORDERED that the motion for leave to file a reply in support of the motion for relief from judgment is granted, and the proposed reply is accepted for filing; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that motion for relief from judgment is denied. JANET C. PROTASIEWICZ, J., did not participate. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (concurring) ANNETTE KINGSLAND ZIEGLER, C.J., (joined concurrance) Motion Response Filed By: Sarah Zylstra Submit Date: 1-30-2024 Motion Response Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin) Submit Date: 1-30-2024 Motion Response Filed By: Misha Tseytlin Submit Date: 1-30-2024 Comment: Motion of Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter et al for Relief from Judgement Pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 806.07 with Memorandum in Support |
Comment: Zuckerbrod
Published Opinion Citation
401 Wis. 2d 198
Published Opinion Citation
972 N.W.2d 559
Judge Panel: Roggensack, Bradley, Ziegler, Bradley, Dallet, Hagedorn, Karofsky
Opinion: Opinion Decision: Other Pages: 54 Written by: Ziegler, Annette K. Bradley, Rebecca Grassl Wrote Concurring Opinion 49 pages. Ziegler, Annette K. Joined Concurring Opinion Roggensack, Patience Drake Joined Concurring Opinion Hagedorn, Brian K. Wrote Concurring Opinion 4 pages. Karofsky, Jill Wrote Dissenting Opinion 39 pages. Bradley, Ann Walsh Joined Dissenting Opinion Dallet, Rebecca F. Joined Dissenting Opinion Order Text: By the Court.Relief granted. Comment: Opinion/Decision (04-15-2022) |
Public Domain Citation
Comment: PDC No: 2022 WI 19
DOJ Letter Filed on Behalf of WEC |
Comment: Letter on Behalf of WEC as filed by T. Bellavia
Motion to Correct/Supplement Record
Response to Governor's Motion to Supplement (Wisconsin Legislature) 04-01-2022 Court Order Governor's Motion to Supplement Record |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Submit Date: 3-31-2022 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 4-1-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is denied. Comment: Governor's Motion to Supplement Record (WI Legislature Response to Governor's Motion to Supplement Record arrived as order was issuing) |
Response to Governor Letter on Remand (Hunter) |
Comment: Hunter Response Letter on Remand Hunter Letter Response on Remand
Response to Governor Letter on Remand (Bewley) |
Comment: Senator Bewley Response Letter on Remand
Response to Governor Letter on Remand (Petitioner) |
Comment: Petitioner's Response Letter on Remand
Response to Governor Letter on Remand (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature Response Letter on Remand
Response to Governor Letter on Remand (BLOC) |
Comment: BLOC Response Letter on Remand
Governor Letter on Remand |
Comment: Governor Letter on Remand
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Submit Date: 3-23-2022 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 4-15-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the Wisconsin Legislature's March 4, 2022 emergency motion asking this court to stay its March 3, 2022 opinion is dismissed, as moot; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 7, 2022 expedited motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for a stay pending appeal is dismissed, as moot, and the accompanying request that we permit all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 23, 2022 motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for reconsideration of this court's March 3, 2022 opinion and order, and for an order permitting all parties to submit core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (dissenting). I dissent from the denial of that portion of the March 7, 2022 motion requesting permission for all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps and from the denial of the March 23, 2022 motion. Comment: Congressmen |
Additional Authorities
Additional Authoritity from SCOTUS 21A490 |
Comment: SCOTUS Order 21AP490 (Grothman v WEC application for stay presented to Justice Barrett and by her referred to the court is denied.)
Additional Authorities
Additional Authority from SCOTUS 21A471 |
Comment: SCOTUS Opinion 21A471 (WI Legislature v. WEC application for stay and injunctivve relief)
Additional Authorities
Additional Authorities file by "Congressmen" on 03-16-2022 |
Comment: Additional Authorities - "Congressmen" request to take notice of National Republican Redistricting Trust Amicus Brief filed 3/15/22 in the SCOTUS.
Comment: letter briefs due by 11 am; sent to clerk email, paper copies next business day, add'l requests not favored
Order: 21AP1450-OA |
IT IS ORDERED that any party that wishes to file a response to the Congressmens expedited motion for a stay pending appeal may submit a letter brief no later than 11:00 a.m. on March 14, 2022; Page 2 March 11, 2022 No. 2021AP1450-OA Johnson v. Wisconsin Elections Commission IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in .pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 noon of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email"; and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that requests for additional briefing or extensions will be viewed with disfavor. Comment: March 11, 2022 Court Order |
Comment: Letter from Congressmen re: emergency motion for stay
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
March 15, 2022 Court Order Motion for Leave to File Reply Letter Brief (St. John) |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 3-15-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 3-15-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion for leave to file a reply is granted and the reply submitted with the motion is accepted for filing. Justice Ann Walsh Bradley dissenting. Motion Response Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin) Submit Date: 3-15-2022 Comment: Motion to File Reply to MST (WI Leg) Responses |
Comment: response (letter brief) to motion for stay (attached as email to clerk box followed by paper copies the next day) 6 responses and 1 cover letter rec'd
Motion to Stay
Response to Congressmen Motion for Stay (Lisa Hunter et al.) Exhibit 1 to Response to Congressmen Motion for Stay (Lisa Hunter et al) Response to Congressmen Motion for Stay (Evers) Response to Congressmen Motion for Stay (WEC) Emergency Motion for Stay and to File Additional Maps (Congressmen) Second Affidavit of Congressman Bryan Steil |
Filed By: Kevin LeRoy
Submit Date: 3-7-2022 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 4-15-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the Wisconsin Legislature's March 4, 2022 emergency motion asking this court to stay its March 3, 2022 opinion is dismissed, as moot; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 7, 2022 expedited motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for a stay pending appeal is dismissed, as moot, and the accompanying request that we permit all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 23, 2022 motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for reconsideration of this court's March 3, 2022 opinion and order, and for an order permitting all parties to submit core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (dissenting). I dissent from the denial of that portion of the March 7, 2022 motion requesting permission for all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps and from the denial of the March 23, 2022 motion. Motion Response Filed By: John Devaney Submit Date: 3-14-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Anthony Russomanno Submit Date: 3-14-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Steven Kilpatrick Submit Date: 3-14-2022 Comment: Congressmen's emergency motion for stay and for parties to file add'l maps, w/ affidavit of Congressman Brian Steil |
Order: 21AP1450-OA |
IT IS ORDERED that any party that wishes to file a response to the Wisconsin Legislatures expedited motion for a stay pending appeal may submit a letter brief no later than 11:00 a.m. on March 9, 2022;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in .pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 noon of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email"; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that requests for additional briefing or extensions will be viewed with disfavor. |
Motion to Stay
Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (Hunter) Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (WILL) Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (BLOC) Response to Wisconsin the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (Evers) Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (WEC) Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (Bewley) Cover Letter to Response to the Wisconsin Legislature's Motion for Stay (WILL) Expedited Motion for Stay (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 3-4-2022 Decision: (M) Dismiss Decision Date: 4-15-2020 IT IS ORDERED that the Wisconsin Legislature's March 4, 2022 emergency motion asking this court to stay its March 3, 2022 opinion is dismissed, as moot; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 7, 2022 expedited motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for a stay pending appeal is dismissed, as moot, and the accompanying request that we permit all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the March 23, 2022 motion of Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald for reconsideration of this court's March 3, 2022 opinion and order, and for an order permitting all parties to submit core-retention-maximization congressional maps is denied. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J. (dissenting). I dissent from the denial of that portion of the March 7, 2022 motion requesting permission for all parties to submit equipopulous, core-retention-maximization congressional maps and from the denial of the March 23, 2022 motion. Motion Response Filed By: Charles Curtis Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Lucas Vebber Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Douglas Poland Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Anthony Russomanno Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Steven Kilpatrick Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Tamara Packard Submit Date: 3-9-2022 Comment: Wisconsin Legislature |
Published Opinion Citation
971 N.W.2d 402
Published Opinion Citation
400 Wis. 2d 626
Judge Panel: Roggensack, Bradley, Ziegler, Bradley, Dallet, Hagedorn, Karofsky
Opinion: Opinion Decision: Other Pages: 31 Written by: Hagedorn, Brian K. Bradley, Ann Walsh Wrote Concurring Opinion 4 pages. Dallet, Rebecca F. Joined Concurring Opinion Karofsky, Jill Joined Concurring Opinion Ziegler, Annette K. Wrote Dissenting Opinion 74 pages. Roggensack, Patience Drake Joined Dissenting Opinion Bradley, Rebecca Grassl Joined Dissenting Opinion Roggensack, Patience Drake Wrote Dissenting Opinion 12 pages. Ziegler, Annette K. Joined Dissenting Opinion Bradley, Rebecca Grassl Joined Dissenting Opinion Bradley, Rebecca Grassl Wrote Dissenting Opinion 41 pages. Ziegler, Annette K. Joined Dissenting Opinion Roggensack, Patience Drake Joined Dissenting Opinion Order Text: By the Court.-- Relief granted. Comment: Opinion/Decision |
Public Domain Citation
Comment: PDC No: 2022 WI 14
Other Papers
Comment: Returned Mail - 1/5/22 order to Attys. Branch & Osher - Re-sent same day
Comment: paper copies by 9 am of responses to Hunter's Motion emailed filed yesterday
Comment: Notice of withdrawal of Atty. Olivia G. Hoffman
Comment: responses to Hunter Intervernors' motion due by 12:00 p.m. not to exceed five pages in length if monospaced, or 1,100 words if proportional serif font; 17 paper copies due by 9:00am next business day
01-31-2022 Order |
IT IS ORDERED that the Hunter Intervenors' motion seeking leave to provide the information contained in the filing dated January 25, 2022 is granted and the document is accepted for filing;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Congressmen Intervenors' response to the motion is accepted for filing; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the other parties may file a letter response to the Hunter Intervenors' motion, not to exceed five pages in length if a monospaced font is used or 1,100 words if a proportional serif font is used, no later than 12:00 p.m. on February 2, 2022; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Hunter Intervenors request for leave to provide a modified proposed congressional map is held in abeyance until further order of the court; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in .pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. Seventeen paper copies of each submission must be received by the clerk of this court by 9:00 a.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the paper document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email." Comment: re: 01/25/2022 MMS |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (BLOC) Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Evers) Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Citizens Mathmaticians) Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Wisconsin Legislature) Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Congressmen) Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Submit Date: 1-25-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-31-2022 By the Court.-- Relief granted. Motion Response Filed By: Misha Tseytlin Submit Date: 1-26-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Mel Barnes Submit Date: 2-2-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Anthony Russomanno Submit Date: 2-2-2022 Motion Response Filed By: Michael May Submit Date: 2-2-2022 Motion Response Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin) Submit Date: 2-2-2022 Comment: Hunter motion for leave to provide authorities in response to oral argument question Responses: Congressman 1/26/22 - Tseytlin; BLOC 2/2/22 - Barnes; Governor 2/2/22 - Rssomanno; CMS 2/2/22 - May; Legislature 2/2/22 - St. John Cover Letter to Response to Hunter's Motion to Provide Authorities re: Oral Argument Question (Citizen Mathematicians) |
Oral Argument
Comment: Oral Argument scheduled for Wednesday, January 19, 2022, beginning at 9:00am, in the Supreme Court Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, East Wing of the State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin. Rick Esenberg for Petitioners. Tamara Packard for Intervenors-Respondents. Douglas M. Poland for Intervenors-Petitioners. Taylor A. R. Meehan for Intervenor-Respondent. Anthony Russomanno for Intervenor-Respondent. John Devaney for Intervenors-Petitioners. Sam Hirsch for Intervenors-Petitioners. Misha Tseytlin for Intervenors-Petitioners.
Other Papers
Comment: Returned Mail - brief acknowledgments to Attys. Hoffman and Edmondson - Re-sent same day
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (Umberger/Kemp) |
Comment: Attorney Michelle M. Umberger/Kemp appearing for Lisa Hunter et al.
Comment: by 12:00 noon parties needing special access, visual or hearing arrangements shall advise Clerk of Supreme Court
Other Papers
Comment: Uniformed proposed maps and cover letter filed by the Legislature SB621
Other Papers
Comment: Uniform proposed maps filed by Lisa Hunter et al.
Comment: Uniform proposed maps and cover letter filed by Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists
Comment: Letter filed by The Congressmen indicating that they are jointly submitting the uniform versions of their proposed maps with the Wisconsin Legislature
Other Papers
Cover Letter to Uniform Proposed Maps (BLOC) |
Comment: Uniform proposed maps and cover letter filed by BLOC
Other Papers
Comment: Uniform proposed maps filed by Governor Tony Evers
Comment: Uniform proposed maps and cover letter filed by The Wisconsin Legislature
Comment: Uniform proposed maps and cover letter filed by Senator Janet Bewley
Comment: no later than 12:00 noon, parties participating in oral argument shall advise the court via an email to of the name(s) of the attorney(s) who will present argument on their behalf; if more than one attorney will be presenting argument, parteis shall provide breakdown of oral argument time each attorney will present, including in rebuttal. The subject line of the meail shall read: "Urgent: Oral Arugment January 19, 2022; 2021AP1450-OA"
Comment: uniform versions of proposed maps due as .pdf documents capable of enlargement by 4:00pm via email DUE per CTO of 1/10/22; uniform maps may be accompanied by a cover letter not to exceed 5 pages if monospaced font is used, or 1,100 words if proportional serif font is used; paper originals, transparency originals, and 17 copies of each due by 9:00am following business day
Comment: Legal Scholars are directed to ask the parties if they would be willing to cede any oral argument time, and inform the court by email to whether the parties are or are not willing to cede any argument time; DUE BY 4:00pm
Filed By: Sarah Zylstra
Submit Date: 1-12-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-13-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: Motion to admit Attorney Alex Trepp to appear PHV on behalf of Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists |
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a non-party, amicus curiae is generally not granted oral
argument time in addition to the argument time allotted to the parties, but amicus curiae may seek leave to present oral argument if any party cedes them time; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, January 14, 2022, the parties participating in oral argument shall advise the court via an email to the Clerk of Supreme Court at, of the name(s) of the attorney(s) who will present argument on their behalf; if more than one attorney will be presenting argument, the parties shall provide the breakdown of oral argument time each attorney will present, including in rebuttal. The subject line of the email shall read: "Urgent: Oral Argument January 19, 2022; 2021AP1450-OA." IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that each party should have back-up counsel available to argue in the event that the designated attorney(s) cannot appear and present oral argument for any reason, on the scheduled oral argument date; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that if any special access, visual or hearing arrangements are necessary for your attendance in court, please advise the Clerk of Supreme Court no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, January 18, 2022; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that upon arrival for oral argument, each attorney presenting argument shall check in with the Clerk's office staff outside the Supreme Court Hearing Room. Comment: Part 2 of 2 |
01-11-2022 Order |
IT IS ORDERED that the court will hear oral argument in this matter on Wednesday,
January 19, 2022, beginning 9:00 a.m., in the Supreme Court Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, East Wing of the State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin. The parties will each have 30 minutes of initial oral argument time and an additional 10 minutes for rebuttal. The parties will present their initial arguments in the following sequence: 1. Petitioners Billie Johnson, et al.; 2. Intervenor-Respondent Janet Bewley, Senate Democratic Minority Leader, on behalf of the Senate Democratic Caucus; 3. Intervenors-Petitioners Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin; 4. Intervenor-Respondent the Wisconsin Legislature; 5. Intervenor-Respondent Governor Tony Evers; 6. Intervenors-Petitioners Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim; 7. Intervenors-Petitioners Gary Krenz, Sarah J. Hamilton, Stephen Joseph Wright, Jean-Luc Thiffeault, and Somesh Jha (a/k/a "Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists); and 8. Intervenors-Petitioners Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald ("Congressmen"); Rebuttal arguments will begin immediately after the conclusion of the initial argument of the Congressmen; rebuttal shall be presented in the same order as the initial arguments; Comment: Part 1 of 2 |
Comment: parties are advised that the court may elect to conduct a hearing and/or oral argument on one or more of four consecutive days beginning January 18, 2022; oral argument scheduled per CTO of 01/22/2022
IT IS ORDERED that the parties are directed to convene and agree upon a standard template, resolution and other uniform guidelines to which each party will adhere in submitting their proposed maps in the uniform revised format consistent with the terms of this order;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that by 4:00 p.m. on January 14, 2022 the parties shall submit uniform versions of their proposed maps as .pdf documents capable of enlargement; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that each party's uniform map submission may be accompanied by a cover letter not to exceed five pages if a monospaced font is used or 1,100 words if a proportional serif font is used, addressing only critical issues that may have been identified when converting the maps from the original format to the standardized format; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the electronic filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in .pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. The paper originals, transparency originals, and 17 copies of each must be received by the clerk of this court by 9:00 a.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the paper document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email." |
Comment: brief email to stating only whether parties are or are not presenting oral argument DUE from parties by 9:00 am
01-07-2022 Order |
IT IS ORDERED that no later than 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 10, 2022, all parties
shall notify the clerk of this court via a brief email to stating only whether they are or are not presenting oral argument. |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
01-10-2022 Order (re: Motions to File Corrected Maps) Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Evers) |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Submit Date: 1-6-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-10-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Congressmen Glen Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald (Congressmen) is denied. The Congressmen's map, submitted as Exhibit A to its motion is not accepted and will not be further considered by the court; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, et al., is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed as Exhibits C and D to their January 3, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by these intervenors-petitioners on December 15, 2020; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenor-respondent, Governor Tony Evers, is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed in Attachment C to his January 6, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by Governor Evers on December 15, 2020. PATIENCE DRAKE ROGGENSACK, J. (dissenting). Redistricting is a new challenge for this court, and as such I would accept all assistance from all parties. The majority seems to hold this view for Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs, but a different view for the Congressmen. I don't know whether the second map the Congressmen would like to submit will be helpful or not. It is possible that it would have provided no more than what we actually will hear in rebuttal during oral arguments later this month. In addition, I have already reviewed Governor Evers' map and that of the BLOC plaintiffs, as I assume most justices have. Therefore, the court is permitting Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs to file second maps that have very significant changes. For example, Governor Evers' -Original Assembly map had 174 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 115 Municipal splits. -His Senate map had 118 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 76 Municipal splits. - His o Comment: Governor Tony Evers motion to file corrected version of proposed maps |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Legal Scholars) |
Filed By: Allison Boldt
Comment: Legal Scholars; Non-Party Brief |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Concerned Voters) Exhibit A to Brief of Amicus Curiae (Concerned Voters) |
Filed By: Joseph Goode
Comment: Concerned Voters of Wisconsin; Non-Party Brief |
Comment: response to Congressmen "motion to submit a modified version of their Proposed Remedial Map for this Court's consideration" due via email by 4:00pm. Responses shall not exceed 10 pages if a monospaced font is used or 2,200 words if a proportional serif font is used, but parties are encouraged to strive for brevity. 10 paper copies due by 12:00 noon the following business day.
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
01-05-2022 Order (Granting Concerned Voters' Amicus Motion) Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Concerned Voters) |
Filed By: Joseph Goode
Submit Date: 1-4-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-5-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. The brief filed with the motion is accepted as filed. Comment: Karen Wilson, Anneliese Waggoner, Megan O'Halloran, Jacqueline Boynton, Lena Eng, Richard C. Burton, Deborah L. Koconis, Cheryl Maranto, Julie A. Koconis, Don Leake, David Fodroczi, Dan Russler, Mary E. Ascher, Leslie DeMuth, Joseph J. Horvath Jr., Mark Fuller, Janie Riebe, Myra Enloe, Susan K. Curran, Heather Biesik, Mike Hennick, Eleanor Anderson, Jane Durment, John A. Scott, Ann E. Stevning-Roe, Patricia Schmidt, Paul DeMain, Claudia Grams Pogreba, Janine Edwards, Tanya Murphy, Peter Parthum, Chrysa Ostenso, Kristin Lyerly, Amy Dummer, Lori Toso, and Vicki Aro-Schackmuth (Concerned Voters of Wisconsin) Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Concerned Voters) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere |
Filed By: Allison Boldt
Submit Date: 1-4-2022 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 1-7-2022 IT IS ORDERED that Legal Scholars' motion is denied. Amicus are generally not granted oral argument time in addition to the argument time allotted to the parties, but amicus are generally allowed to speak at oral argument if any party cedes time. The movants are directed to ask the parties if they would be willing to cede any oral argument time to the movants. The movants are further directed to inform the court by email to the clerk of this court at, no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 14, 2022, whether the parties are or are not willing to cede any argument time. Comment: proposed amici "Legal Scholars" motion for leave to participate in oral argument; held in abeyance pending further order, per CTO of 1/5/22 |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
01-05-2022 Order (Granting Legal Scholars' Amicus Motion) Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Legal Scholars) |
Filed By: Allison Boldt
Submit Date: 1-4-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-5-2022 IT IS ORDERED that Legal Scholars' motion for leave to file a non-party brief amicus curiae is granted and the brief filed with the motion is accepted as filed; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Legal Scholars' motion for leave to participate in oral argument is held in abeyance pending further order of the court. Comment: Richard Briffault, Joseph Fishkin, James A. Gardner, Michael S. Kang, D. Theodore Rave, David Schultz, Kate Shaw, and Robert Yablon (Legal Scholars) |
Other Brief
Reply Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (Bewley) |
Filed By: Aaron Dumas
Comment: Janet Bewley, Senate Democratic Minority Leader, on behalf of the Senate Democratic Caucus; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Exhibit E to Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (BLOC) Motion to File Corrected Version of Proposed Maps (BLOC) |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 1-4-2022 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 1-10-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Congressmen Glen Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald (Congressmen) is denied. The Congressmen's map, submitted as Exhibit A to its motion is not accepted and will not be further considered by the court; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, et al., is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed as Exhibits C and D to their January 3, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by these intervenors-petitioners on December 15, 2020; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenor-respondent, Governor Tony Evers, is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed in Attachment C to his January 6, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by Governor Evers on December 15, 2020. PATIENCE DRAKE ROGGENSACK, J. (dissenting). Redistricting is a new challenge for this court, and as such I would accept all assistance from all parties. The majority seems to hold this view for Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs, but a different view for the Congressmen. I don't know whether the second map the Congressmen would like to submit will be helpful or not. It is possible that it would have provided no more than what we actually will hear in rebuttal during oral arguments later this month. In addition, I have already reviewed Governor Evers' map and that of the BLOC plaintiffs, as I assume most justices have. Therefore, the court is permitting Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs to file second maps that have very significant changes. For example, Governor Evers' -Original Assembly map had 174 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 115 Municipal splits. -His Senate map had 118 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 76 Municipal splits. - His origi Comment: BLOC motion to file corrected version of proposed maps; exhibit filed separately 1/7/22 |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Comment: Affidavit of Kevin M. LeRoy, with attached memorandum from the Legislative Reference Bureau to Speaker Robin Vos
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with attached Expert Report of Dr. Daryl Deford |
Other Brief
Reply Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (Evers) |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature; Reply Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with attached Expert Report of Dr. John Alford |
Filed By: Anthony LoCoco
Comment: WILL; Letter Reply Brief filed per court order of 11/17/2021 |
01-04-2022 Order |
IT IS ORDERED that the motion of the intervenor-petitioners Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald seeking leave to submit a modified version of their Proposed Remedial Map for this Court's consideration is held in abeyance until further order of the court;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that on or before 4:00 p.m. on January 5, 2022, the other parties may file a response to the intervenor-petitioners Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgeralds motion seeking leave to submit a modified version of their Proposed Remedial Map for this Court's consideration. The response shall not exceed 10 pages if a monospaced font is used or 2,200 words if a proportional serif font is used, but the parties are encouraged to strive for brevity. The court does not anticipate permitting a reply from the Congressmen and this order does not alter the existing briefing schedule; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 noon of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email." |
Comment: on or before 12:00 noon on January 4, 2022, each party may file a reply brief, which shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used. A party that elects to support another partys proposed map may file a letter-brief that shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used;
the form, pagination, appendix, and certification requirements shall be the same as those governing standard appellate briefing in this court for a brief-in chief, response, and reply;
** that any party that filed a proposed map and subsequently determines that it merits a correction or modification, may file a motion seeking the courts leave to amend the proposed map. Such motion shall include a description of the amendments, the reasons for them, a proposed amended map, and shall state whether the motion is unopposed by other the parties. The court may request responses from the other parties; unsolicited responses to such a motion will be disfavored
Comment: that any non-party that wishes to file a non-party brief amicus curiae in support of or in opposition to a proposed map must file a motion for leave of the court to file a non-party brief. Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.19 (7). Non-parties should consult this courts Internal Operating Procedure III.B.6.c., concerning the nature of non-parties who may be granted leave to file a non-party brief. A proposed non-party brief must accompany the motion for leave to file it and shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used. Any motion for leave with the proposed non-party brief attached shall be filed no later than 12:00 noon on January 4, 2022. Any proposed non-party brief for which this court does not grant leave will not be considered by the court
Comment: Affidavits of Sarah J. Hamilton, Somesh Jha, Gary Krenz, and Jean-Luc Thiffeault
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim; Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 12-30-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 12-30-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: Motion to admit Atty. Simone T. Leeper on behalf of BLOC w/ affidavits of Douglas M. Poland and Simone T. Leeper |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin; Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers; Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with attached Expert Report of Jeanne Clelland |
Filed By: Michael May
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists; Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with attached Expert Report of Dr. Daryl Deford |
Letter in Lieu of Response Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (Bewley) |
Comment: Bewley letter in lieu of response brief
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Evers) Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Citizen Mathematicians) Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (BLOC) Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Bewley) Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Lisa Hunter et al.) Response to Congressmen's Motion to File Corrected Proposed Maps (Wisconsin Legislature) Motion to Submit Modified Version of Proposed Congressional Map (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Submit Date: 12-30-2021 Decision: (D) Deny Decision Date: 1-10-2022 IT IS ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Congressmen Glen Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald (Congressmen) is denied. The Congressmen's map, submitted as Exhibit A to its motion is not accepted and will not be further considered by the court; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenors-petitioners, Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, et al., is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed as Exhibits C and D to their January 3, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by these intervenors-petitioners on December 15, 2020; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of intervenor-respondent, Governor Tony Evers, is granted. The corrected assembly and senate maps filed in Attachment C to his January 6, 2022 motion shall replace the maps previously filed by Governor Evers on December 15, 2020. PATIENCE DRAKE ROGGENSACK, J. (dissenting). Redistricting is a new challenge for this court, and as such I would accept all assistance from all parties. The majority seems to hold this view for Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs, but a different view for the Congressmen. I don't know whether the second map the Congressmen would like to submit will be helpful or not. It is possible that it would have provided no more than what we actually will hear in rebuttal during oral arguments later this month. In addition, I have already reviewed Governor Evers' map and that of the BLOC plaintiffs, as I assume most justices have. Therefore, the court is permitting Governor Evers and the BLOC plaintiffs to file second maps that have very significant changes. For example, Governor Evers' -Original Assembly map had 174 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 115 Municipal splits. -His Senate map had 118 Municipal splits, but his "corrected" map has 76 Municipal splits. - His orig Comment: Congressmen motion to submit modified version of proposed congressional map; held in abeyance until further order per CTO of 01/04/2022 |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald; Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with attached Response Affidavit of Tom Schreibel |
Other Brief
Response Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (Wisconsin Legislature) Expert Report of Brian J. Gaines (Attachment to Wisconsin Legislature Response Brief) Expert Report of Dr. John Alford (Attachment to Wisconsin Legislature Response Brief) Expert Report of Thomas M. Bryan (Attachment to Wisconsin Legislature Response Brief) |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature; Response brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Response Expert Reports of Brian J. Gaines, Thomas M. Bryan, and Dr. John Alford |
Filed By: Anthony LoCoco
Comment: WILL; Letter Response Brief per court order of 11/17/2021, with Exhibit A |
Comment: on or before 12:00 noon on December 30, 2021, each party may file a responsive brief which shall not exceed 25 pages if a monospaced font is used or 5,500 words if a proportional serif font is used. A party that elects to support another partys proposed map may file a letter-brief that shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Reports of Dr. John Alford and Dr. Thomas M. Bryan |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Jeanne Clelland |
Other Brief
Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (Lisa Hunter et al.) Expert Report of Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere (Attachment to Lisa Hunter Brief) Proposed Assembly Map (Attachment to Lisa Hunter Brief) Proposed Congressional Map (Attachment to Lisa Hunter Brief) Proposed Senate Map (Attachment to Lisa Hunter Brief) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Dr. Stephen Ansolabehere and proposed maps |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 |
Filed By: Michael May
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Dr. Moon Duchin and proposed congressional map(s) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Affidavit of Tom Schreibel |
Filed By: Tamara Packard
Comment: Janet Bewley, Senate Democratic Minority Leader, on behalf of the Senate Democratic Caucus; Brief per court order of 11/17/2021 with attached Expert Report of Brian Amos, Ph.D.; original signature page of expert report filed 12/16/21 |
Other Brief
Letter Brief per CTO of 11/17/21 (WILL) |
Filed By: Anthony LoCoco
Comment: WILL; Letter brief filed per court order of 11/17/2021. |
Comment: on or before 12:00 noon on December 15, 2021, each party (including all intervenors) may file a proposed map (for state assembly, state senate, and congress), complying with the parameters set forth in the courts forthcoming decision, a supporting brief, and an expert report; or, a party may file a letter-brief stating the party supports a map proposed by another party. Any brief filed in support of a proposed map shall not exceed 50 pages if a monospaced font is used or 11,000 words if a proportional serif font is used. A letter-brief filed in support of another partys proposed map shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; any expert report filed in support of a proposed map and accompanying its supporting brief shall strive for brevity and shall contain an executive summary not to exceed five pages if a monospaced font is used or 1,100 words if a proportional serif font is used
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Submit Date: 12-15-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 12-15-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: Motion, w/ proposed order, to admit Atty. John M. Devaney as counsel for Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
Other Papers
Proposed Joint Discovery Plan |
Comment: Proposed Joint Discovery Plan, signed on behalf of Lisa Hunter (et al.), Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists, Wisconsin Elections Commission, Wisconsin Legislature, Governor Tony Evers, and Janet Bewley
Comment: due 4:00 p.m. on December 3, 2021, if parties desire discovery, they shall submit a joint proposed discovery plan that details from whom and how discovery will be sought, with all discovery to be completed on or before December 23, 2021
Published Opinion Citation
399 Wis. 2d 623
Published Opinion Citation
967 N.W.2d 469
Opinion: Opinion
Decision: Other Pages: 45 Order Text: Rights Declared. REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J., delivered the majority opinion of the Court with respect to all parts except 8, 69-72, and 81, in which ZIEGLER, C.J, and ROGGENSACK, and HAGEDORN, JJ., joined, and an opinion with respect to 8, 6972, and 81, in which ZIEGLER, C.J., and ROGGENSACK, J., joined. HAGEDORN, J., filed a concurring opinion. DALLET, J., filed a dissenting opinion in which ANN WALSH BRADLEY and KAROFSKY, JJ., joined. Comment: Amended in January 2022 |
Public Domain Citation
Comment: PDC No: 2021 WI 87
Other Papers
Comment: Returned Mail - Response brief acknowledgments to Attorneys Amunson, Fate, and Hirsch - Re-Sent 11/22/21
11-17-2021 Order |
Part 1 of November 17, 2021 Court Order
IT IS ORDERED that by 4:00 p.m. on December 3, 2021, if parties desire discovery, they shall submit a joint proposed discovery plan that details from whom and how discovery will be sought, with all discovery to be completed on or before December 23, 2021; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that on or before 12:00 noon on December 15, 2021, each party (including all intervenors) may file a proposed map (for state assembly, state senate, and congress), complying with the parameters set forth in the courts forthcoming decision, a supporting brief, and an expert report; or, a party may file a letter-brief stating the party supports a map proposed by another party. Any brief filed in support of a proposed map shall not exceed 50 pages if a monospaced font is used or 11,000 words if a proportional serif font is used. A letter-brief filed in support of another partys proposed map shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any expert report filed in support of a proposed map and accompanying its supporting brief shall strive for brevity and shall contain an executive summary not to exceed five pages if a monospaced font is used or 1,100 words if a proportional serif font is used; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that on or before 12:00 noon on December 30, 2021, each party may file a responsive brief which shall not exceed 25 pages if a monospaced font is used or 5,500 words if a proportional serif font is used. A party that elects to support another partys proposed map may file a letter-brief that shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; |
Part 2 of November 17, 2021 Court Order
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any non-party that wishes to file a non-party brief amicus curiae in support of or in opposition to a proposed map must file a motion for leave of the court to file a non-party brief. Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.19 (7). Non-parties should consult this courts Internal Operating Procedure III.B.6.c., concerning the nature of non-parties who may be granted leave to file a non-party brief. A proposed non-party brief must accompany the motion for leave to file it and shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used. Any motion for leave with the proposed non-party brief attached shall be filed no later than 12:00 noon on January 4, 2022. Any proposed non-party brief for which this court does not grant leave will not be considered by the court; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that on or before 12:00 noon on January 4, 2022, each party may file a reply brief, which shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used. A party that elects to support another partys proposed map may file a letter-brief that shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the form, pagination, appendix, and certification requirements shall be the same as those governing standard appellate briefing in this court for a brief-in chief, response, and reply; |
Part 3 of Novrember 17, 2021 Court Order
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any party that filed a proposed map and subsequently determines that it merits a correction or modification, may file a motion seeking the courts leave to amend the proposed map. Such motion shall include a description of the amendments, the reasons for them, a proposed amended map, and shall state whether the motion is unopposed by other the parties. The court may request responses from the other parties; unsolicited responses to such a motion will be disfavored; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties are advised that the court may elect to conduct a hearing and/or oral argument on one or more of four consecutive days beginning January 18, 2022; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 noon of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email." |
Stipulation of Facts - SCR 22.12
Joint Stipulation of Facts and Law |
Comment: Joint Stipulation of Facts and Law per CTO of 10/14/21
Comment: joint stipulation of facts and law identifying and listing disputed facts & suggested procedure for resolution, due from petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents by 12:00 noon
Comment: response briefs due from all parties by 12:00 noon
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Laura Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (WILL) |
Filed By: Lucas Vebber
Comment: WILL |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Evers) |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Bewley) |
Filed By: Tamara Packard
Comment: Janet Bewley, State Senate Democratic Minority Leader |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Response Brief-Supreme Court
Response Brief (Citizen Mathematicians) |
Filed By: Michael May
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists |
Comment: answer to omnibus amended petition due from respondents and intervenor-respondents by 12:00 noon
Comment: briefs addressing questions set forth in 2nd court order of 10/14/2021 due from all parties by 12:00 noon
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (William Whitford, et al.) |
Filed By: Jakob Feltham
Comment: William Whitford, Hans Breitenmoser, Mary Lynne Donohue, Wendy Sue Johnson, and Deborah Patel |
Letter from AAG Kilpatrick re: Briefs per CTO of 10/14/21 |
Comment: Letter from AAG Kilpatrick informing court that Wisconsin Elections Commission will not be filing a brief per 10/14/21
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
10-26-2021 Order (Granting PHV Motion) Attachment to 10-25-2021 and 10-26-2021 Orders Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Hoffman, Hirsch, Fate, Edmondson, Amunson) Application for Pro Hac Vice status (Jessica Amunson) Application for Pro Hac Vice status (Elizabeth Edmondson) Application for Pro Hac Vice status (Rebecca Fate) Application for Pro Hac Vice status (Sam Hirsch) Application for Pro Hac Vice status (Olivia Hoffman) |
Filed By: Sarah Zylstra
Submit Date: 10-25-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-26-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: Motion to Admit Non-Resident attorneys Olivia Hoffman, Sam Hirsch, Rebecca Fate, Elizabeth Edmondson, and Jessica Ring Amunson w/ individual applications |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: William Hancock
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Evers) |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (BLOC) Appendix to Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (BLOC) |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (WILL) |
Filed By: Lucas Vebber
Comment: WILL |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Citizen Mathematicians) |
Filed By: Michael May
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Bewley) |
Filed By: Tamara Packard
Comment: Janet Bewley, State Senate Democratic Minority Leader |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature |
First Brief-Supreme Court
Brief per CTO of 10/14/2021 (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Comment: Law School Certification on behalf of students Mary Frances Brown, Meredith Amelia Manda, Corey McKenzie Stewart, Sarah Ann Sadlier, and Mark Reinier Haidar; with affidavit of Atty. Jakob Feltham Feltham re: Law School Certification
Complaint & Order to Answer
Filed By: Jakob Feltham
Submit Date: 10-25-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-25-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted and the brief is accepted as filed; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to admit Attorney Ruth M. Greenwood, pro hac vice, is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. The court also acknowledges and accepts the law student certification filed by Christopher T. Bavitz, Vice-Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education at the Harvard Law School, and the affidavit in support of the law school certification filed by Attorney Jakob E. Feltham, for the certification pursuant to Supreme Court Rule Ch. 50 of Harvard Law School students Mary F. Brown, Mark R. Haidar. Meredith A. Manda, Sarah A. Sadlier, and Corey M. Stewart. Comment: Motion for Atty. Ruth Greenwood to appear on behalf of proposed amici William Whitford, Hans Breitenmoser, Mary Lynne Donohue, Wendy Sue Johnson, and Deborah Patel; includes affidvait of Jakob Feltham, affidavit of Ruth Greenwood, and a proposed order admitting Atty. Greenwood |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Whitford et al.) |
Filed By: Jakob Feltham
Submit Date: 10-25-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-25-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted and the brief is accepted as filed; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to admit Attorney Ruth M. Greenwood, pro hac vice, is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. The court also acknowledges and accepts the law student certification filed by Christopher T. Bavitz, Vice-Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education at the Harvard Law School, and the affidavit in support of the law school certification filed by Attorney Jakob E. Feltham, for the certification pursuant to Supreme Court Rule Ch. 50 of Harvard Law School students Mary F. Brown, Mark R. Haidar. Meredith A. Manda, Sarah A. Sadlier, and Corey M. Stewart. Comment: William Whitford, Hans Breitenmoser, Mary Lynne Donohue, Wendy Sue Johnson, and Deborah Patel |
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (Dumas) |
Comment: Attorney Aaron G. Dumas appearing on behalf of INT-RES Bewley
Petition for an Original Action
Letter re: Amended Signature Pages for Response to Omnibus Petition (WEC) Amended Signature Pages for Response to Omnibus Petition (WEC) Response to Omnibus Petition (Bewley) Response to Omnibus Petition (Wisconsin Legislature) Response to Omnibus Petition (WEC) Certificate of Service re: Response to Omnibus Petition (WEC) Response to Omnibus Petition (Evers) Omnibus Amended Original Action Petition |
Filed By: Anthony LoCoco
Submit Date: 10-21-2021 Decision: (O) Other Decision Date: 3-3-2022 By the Court.-- Relief granted. Motion Response Filed By: Tamara Packard Submit Date: 10-28-2021 Motion Response Filed By: 34783 (St. John, Kevin) Submit Date: 10-28-2021 Motion Response Filed By: Thomas Bellavia Submit Date: 10-28-2021 Motion Response Filed By: Brian Keenan Submit Date: 10-28-2021 Comment: Omnibus Amended Petition per CTO of 10/14/21 |
Comment: single omnibus amended petition addressing allegations and claims due from petitioners and intervenor-petitioners by 12:00 noon; NO additional memoranda permitted
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (Gerads) |
Comment: Attorney Carly Gerads appearing for INT-PET Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin
Fee Paid
Comment: Invoice No: 20030; Receipt No: 21R 002394
Fee Paid
Comment: Invoice No: 20019; Receipt No: 21R 002393
Invoice Issued
Comment: Invoice No: 20030
Invoice Issued
Comment: Invoice No: 20019
Caption Amended
IT IS ORDERED that the parties (including all intervenors) shall file simultaneous briefs addressing the following questions:
1.) Under the relevant state and federal laws, what factors should we consider in evaluating or creating new maps? 2.) The petitioners ask us to modify existing maps using a "least-change" approach. Should we do so, and if not, what approach should we use? 3.) Is the partisan makeup of districts a valid factor for us to consider in evaluating or creating new maps? 4.) As we evaluate or create new maps, what litigation process should we use to determine a constitutionally sufficient map? IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that each party shall file an initial brief on or before 12:00 noon, October 25, 2021, and each party may file a response brief on or before 12:00 noon, November 1, 2021. The form, length, pagination, appendix, and certification requirements shall be the same as those governing standard appellate briefing in this court for a brief-in chief and a response brief; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.70, 809.80 and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 noon of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email"; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that requests for additional briefing or extensions will be viewed with disfavor. |
Comment: WILL Response to Motions to Intervene
Response to Letter Briefs (WILL) |
Comment: WILL Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature Response to Motions to Intervene
Response to Letter Briefs (WEC) |
Comment: Wisconsin Elections Commission Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Congressmen Response to Motions to Intervene
Comment: Congressmen Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Lisa Hunter (et al.) Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Lisa Hunter (et al.) Response to Motions to Intervene
Response to Letter Briefs (BLOC) |
Comment: BLOC Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians Response to Motions to Intervene
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists Response to Letter Briefs
Comment: parties, each amicus, and each proposed intervenor may file a single response to the letter briefs addressing timing, which shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used, by no later than 12:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021;
Comment: parties, amici, and proposed intervenors may each file a single response to the collective motions to intervene no later than 12:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021, provided that amici who seek to intervene may file only a single response to the proposed intervention motions, which shall be filed in their capacity as amici. Each response shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used;
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
10-12-2021 Order (Granting PHV Motions) Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Bradford) Exhibit to Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Bradford) |
Filed By: Sarah Zylstra
Submit Date: 10-11-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-12-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motions are granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to each moving party's order. Comment: Attorney David Bradford w/ exhibit 10-12-2021 |
Filed By: (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 10-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-12-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motions are granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to each moving party's order. Comment: Attorneys Jeffrey M. Harris, Taylor A.R. Meehan, and James P. McGlone w/ exhibits |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (WEC) |
Filed By: Steven Kilpatrick
Comment: Wisconsin Elections Commission |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Proposed Petition for Original Action (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (N) No Action Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notati Comment: Proposed Petition for Original Action; Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation o Comment: Proposed Intervenors: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Filed By: Aria Branch
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on t Comment: Proposed Intervenors: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Aria Branch
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (N) No Action Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation Comment: Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief; Lisa Hunter et al. |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Aria Branch
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (BLOC) |
Filed By: Mel Barnes
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Bewley) |
Filed By: Tamara Packard
Comment: Janet Bewley, State Senate Democratic Minority Leader |
Motion to Intervene
Motion to Intervene (Bewley) |
Filed By: Tamara Packard
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation o Comment: Proposed Intervenor: Janet Bewley, State Senate Democratic Minority Leader |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature |
Filed By: (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation o Comment: Proposed Intervenors: Wisconsin Legislature |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (WILL) |
Filed By: Lucas Vebber
Comment: WILL |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Evers) |
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Comment: Governor Tony Evers |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (Citizen Mathematicians) |
Filed By: Michael May
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (N) No Action Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation Comment: Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief; Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (Citizens Mathematicians) |
Other Brief
Letter Brief (Citizen Mathematicians) |
Filed By: Michael May
Comment: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists |
Certificate of Filing by Mail
Certificate of Filing by Mail (Evers MIN and BOT) |
Comment: re: Motion to Intervene and Letter Brief for Governer Tony Evers
Filed By: Anthony Russomanno
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notati Comment: Proposed Intervenor: Governor Tony Evers |
Filed By: Michael May
Submit Date: 10-6-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on t Comment: Proposed Intervenors: Citizen Mathematicians and Scientists |
Comment: parties and prospective intervenors are each directed to submit simultaneous letter briefs no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 6, 2021, addressing the following question regarding date for redistricting
Comment: any prospective intervenor must file a motion to intervene together with a supporting memorandum addressing the requirements of Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.09 no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 6, 2021;
Fee Paid
Comment: Receipt No: 21R 002259
Fee Paid
Comment: Receipt No: 21R 002258
Invoice Issued
Comment: Invoice No: 20015
Invoice Issued
Comment: Invoice No: 20007
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 9-24-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 10-14-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the pending motions to intervene is granted; The intervenor-petitioners have each submitted with their motions to intervene a proposed complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief/petition for original action. The court wishes to have one controlling petition, rather than multiple petitions in this action. Therefore, no later than 12:00 noon on October 21, 2021, the petitioners and the intervenor-petitioners shall file a single omnibus amended petition that, in numbered paragraph form, restates the previously asserted allegations and claims advanced by petitioners Billie Johnson, et al., and states the allegations and claims of each intervening petitioner as provided in its proposed complaints/petition, with those claims and allegations consolidated to the extent possible. No additional memorandum of law shall accompany the omnibus amended petition. This omnibus amended petition shall supersede the previously filed petition in this action; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on October 28, 2021, the respondents and intervenor-respondents shall each file an answer to the omnibus amended petition; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no later than 12:00 noon on November 4, 2021, the petitioners, intervenor-petitioners, respondents, and intervenor-respondents shall prepare and submit a joint stipulation of facts and law; and shall identify and list disputed facts, if any, and suggest a procedure for resolving them; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See, Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.70, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 12:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation o Comment: Proposed Intervenors: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, and Rebecca Alwin |
Amended Court Order |
*citation amended top of page 3- order text remained the same
Comment: Amended Order of 9/22/2021 |
Comment: Letter from Attorney Mortara re: address update
(***continuation of 9/22/2021 court order re: POA***)
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that if the court determines that additional briefing or a reply will assist the court, it will request additional briefing; given the time sensitive nature of this action, unsolicited briefing and requests for briefing extensions will be disfavored; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all filings in this matter shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.80, and 809.81. A paper original and 10 copies of each filed document must be received by the clerk of this court by 4:00 p.m. of the business day following submission by email, with the document bearing the following notation on the top of the first page: "This document was previously filed via email." REBECCA GRASSL BRADLEY, J., wrote concuuring REBECCA FRANK DALLET, J., wrote dissenting JUSTICES ANN WALSH BRADLEY and JILL KAROFSKY joined dissenting Comment: ***continuation of 9/22/2021 court order re: POA*** |
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Mark P. Gaber) 09-21-2021 Order Granting PHV Motions Affidavit of Mark P. Gaber in Support of PHV Motion Affidavit of Douglas M. Poland (Gaber PHV Motion) Proposed order re: Gaber PHV Motion Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Christopher Lamar) Affidavit of Christopher Lamar in Support of PHV Motion Affidavit of Douglas M. Poland (Lamar PHV Motion) Proposed order re: Lamar PHV Motion |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 9-20-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-21-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motions are granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Nonresident Attorney Mark P. Gaber, Affidavit in Support of Motion, Affidavit of Mark P. Gaber, SCR 10.03(4) application materials |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 9-17-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-20-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Motion Response Filed By: Supreme Court Supreme Court Submit Date: 9-21-2021 Comment: Attorney Annabelle E. Harless for BLOC+ Motion for Pro Hac Vice status Attachment to Order |
Letter from Congressmen re: Development |
Comment: Letter (with exhibit) from Atty. Tseytlin on behalf of the Congressmen re: new development
Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission
09-15-2021 Order Granting PHV Motions Motion for Pro Hac Vice status (Branch, Osher, Shelly, Ford, Hancock) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Submit Date: 9-13-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-15-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the motion is granted. A copy of SCR 10.03(4), setting forth the requirements for attorneys appearing pro hac vice, is attached to the moving party's order. Comment: all applications & proof of payments attached |
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (Kilpatrick) |
Comment: AAG Kilpatrick for State
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (Bellavia) |
Comment: AAG Bellavia for State
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Daniel Suhr) |
Filed By: Daniel Suhr
Comment: Daniel Suhr |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Wisconsin Legislature) Appendix to Brief of Amicus Curiae (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: (St. John, Kevin)
Comment: Wisconsin Legislature |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (BLOC) Appendix to Brief of Amicus Curiae (BLOC) |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, Voces de la Frontera, The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, Rebecca Alwin, Helen Harris, Woodrow Wioson Cain, II, Nina Cain, Tracie Y. Horton, Pastor Sean Tatum, Melody McCurtis, Barbara Toles, and Edward Wade, Jr. |
Brief of Amicus Curiae/Non-Party
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim |
Comment: paper copies of previously filed non-party motions and briefs due by 4:00pm
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
09-08-2021 Order Granting Amicus Motions Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (BLOC) |
Filed By: Douglas Poland
Submit Date: 9-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-8-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the motions is granted. All non-party briefs and appendices filed together with the motions are accepted for filing. Comment: Black Leaders Organizing for Communities ("BLOC"), Voces de la Frontera ("Voces"), League of Women Voters of Wisconsin ("LWVWI"(, Cindy Fallona, Lauren Stephenson, Rebecca Alwin, Helen Harris, Woodrow Wilson Cain, II, Nina Cain, Tracie Y. Horton, Pastor Sean Tatum, Melody McCurtis, Barbara Toles, and Edward Wade, Jr. |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Lisa Hunter et al.) |
Filed By: Charles Curtis
Submit Date: 9-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-8-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the motions is granted. All non-party briefs and appendices filed together with the motions are accepted for filing. Comment: Lisa Hunter, Jacob Zabel, Jennifer Oh, John Persa, Geraldine Schertz, and Kathleen Qualheim (Attorney Charles G. Curtis, Jr.) |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Congressmen) |
Filed By: Misha Tseytlin
Submit Date: 9-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-8-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the motions is granted. All non-party briefs and appendices filed together with the motions are accepted for filing. Comment: Congressmen Glenn Grothman, Mike Gallagher, Bryan Steil, Tom Tiffany, and Scott Fitzgerald (Attorneys Misha Tseytlin and Kevin LeRoy) |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Wisconsin Legislature) |
Filed By: (St. John, Kevin)
Submit Date: 9-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-8-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the motions is granted. All non-party briefs and appendices filed together with the motions are accepted for filing. Comment: Wisconsin Legislature (Attorneys Kevin M. St. John and Adam Mortara) |
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief
Motion to File Amicus/Non-Party Brief (Atty. Suhr) |
Filed By: Daniel Suhr
Submit Date: 9-7-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-8-2021 IT IS ORDERED that each of the motions is granted. All non-party briefs and appendices filed together with the motions are accepted for filing. Comment: Attorney Daniel Suhr |
Comment: non-party motions and briefs due via email by 4:00pm
Certificate of Service
Certificate of Service (Response to POA) |
Comment: re: Response to POA
Notice of Appearance
Notice of Appearance (AAG Keckhaver) |
Comment: AAG Keckhaver for AAG Gibson
Comment: response to petition due from all respondents by 4:00pm via email; paper original(s) + 10 paper copies due by 4:30pm
08-26-2021 Order |
ORD that respondents, WEC, Marge Bostelmann, Julie Glancey, Ann Jacobs, Dean Knudson, Robert Spindell, Jr., & Mark Thomsen, all in their official capacities as members of the WEC, shall file one or more responses to the petition by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 9/3/21. Each response shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to See Wis. Stat. 809.14, 809.80, and 809.81. The respondents shall also ensure that a paper original & 10 copies of each response are received by the clerk of this court by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 9/3/21, with the following notation on the top of the first page: This document was previously filed via email. FRO that any non-party that wishes to file a non-party brief amicus curiae in support of or in opposition to the petition must file a motion for leave of the court to file a non-party brief pursuant to the requirements of Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.19(7). Non-parties should also consult this courts Internal Operating Procedure III.B.6.c. concerning the nature of non-parties who may be granted leave to file a non-party brief. A proposed non-party brief must accompany the motion for leave to file it. Any proposed non-party brief shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used. leave with the proposed non-party brief attached shall be filed no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, and shall be filed as an attachment in pdf format to an email addressed to The non-party shall also ensure a paper original and 10 copies of the brief are received by the clerk of this court by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, with the following notation on the top of the first page: This document was previously filed via email. Any submission by a non-party that does not comply with Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.19(7) and any proposed non-party brief for which this court does not grant leave will not be considered by the court.
Caption Amended
Notification of Amended Caption |
Fee Paid
Comment: Receipt No: 21R 001942
Motion to Stay
Filed By: Richard Esenberg
Submit Date: 8-23-2021 Decision: (M) Dismiss Decision Date: 3-3-2022 By the Court.-- Relief granted. Comment: motion for stay embedded in petition, see Page 1 (b), Page 13 "Statement of Relief Sought" |
Filed By: Richard Esenberg
Submit Date: 8-23-2021 Decision: (G) Grant Decision Date: 9-22-2021 IT IS ORDERED that the petition for leave to commence an original action is granted; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any prospective intervenor must file a motion to intervene together with a supporting memorandum addressing the requirements of Wis. Stat. (Rule) 809.09 no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 6, 2021; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties, amici, and proposed intervenors may each file a single response to the collective motions to intervene no later than 12:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021, provided that amici who seek to intervene may file only a single response to the proposed intervention motions, which shall be filed in their capacity as amici. Each response shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties and prospective intervenors are each directed to submit simultaneous letter briefs no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 6, 2021, addressing the following question: When (identify a specific date) must a new redistricting plan be in place, and what key factors were considered to identify this date? Amici may, but are not required to file a response to this question. The simultaneous letter briefs shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties, each amicus, and each proposed intervenor may file a single response to the letter briefs addressing timing, which shall not exceed 15 pages if a monospaced font is used or 3,300 words if a proportional serif font is used, by no later than 12:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that if the court determines that additional briefing or a reply will assist the court, it will request additional briefing; given the time sensitive nature of this action, unsolicited briefing and requests for briefing e Comment: Petition with Memorandum in Support |